the president arrested on a case of sexual harassment on national radio and television

the president arrested on a case of sexual harassment on

The world of the media was received at the presidential palace on Monday by Azali Assoumani for the presentation of New Year’s wishes. The only declared candidate for the presidency of the African Union, the Comorian head of state projected himself and invites the on all sides to join him so that this presidency, once acquired, is a success. Then the president of the National Union of Journalists spoke.

With our correspondent in Moroni, Abdullah Zem Baba

It was a unifying Azali Assoumani who appeared before the press at the palace of Beit-Salam. According to him, if today the Comoros are approached to lead the African organization, it is because “ the whole world knows we are capable of meeting such a challenge “. According to him, the Comoros are a small country, the pressure will be great, but this place is not stolen. He thus mentioned the work carried out upstream with his peers on the continent so that this presidency returns to the Comoros.

But for Azali Assoumani, access to this presidency should not be an end in itself. It is an honor for the country, but in the end, the Comorians must also be proud of their passage at the head of the African Union. Aware of the many challenges awaiting him, Azali Assoumani has refrained from commenting on his vision of this presidency and its priorities. The time will come to advance on the schedule, he will say. Nevertheless, he cited a few areas of intervention such as the fight against insecurity, the maintenance of peace, the climate, or even famine.

Sexual harassment invites itself to the wishes of the president

On the sidelines of this reception of journalists, President Assoumani did not expect anyone to come and talk to him about a case of sexual touching against career promotions. The Vice-President of the National Union of Comorian Journalists, on behalf of her colleagues, took the opportunity to denounce the sexual harassment suffered by some of her colleagues from the Comoros Radio and Television Office (ORTC), the national radio and television.

The vice-president, who spoke on behalf of the journalists, took advantage of this exceptional forum to denounce the behavior of one of the national television managers, whom she accuses of sexual harassment.

Information reporting touching by at least one man, a superior, on young women, has been brought to our attention. We also know that this same man promises promotions to these young women if they allow themselves to be done. We strongly denounce these shameful practices and let these perpetrators know that they will hear about us and that we are already standing alongside the victims. “said Andjouza Abouheir on the microphone.

Annoyed by this outing, President Azali Assoumani did not fail to react. ” I heard what you said. For a year now, you have been aware of these problems, you have been silent, and this is where you come to say it. Both in the public and in the private sector, there are different steps to follow before it reaches the head of state. But you come here, in front of the radios, to talk about touching cases. It doesn’t happen in places like where we are. If this story is true, you have the right to file a complaint. »

According to our information, the official in question is a director of one of the national television departments. As for the presumed victims, they would be for the moment two in number, but they refuse for the moment to speak publicly out of fear. It must be said that at the ORTC, sanctions against journalists are legion.
