the presidency buys a new plane at 500 million euros in the midst of an economic crisis

the presidency buys a new plane at 500 million euros

Egyptian social networks are outraged by the announcement of the purchase of a new presidential plane while the country is going through a serious economic crisis. The jet would cost nearly 500 million euros according to social networks.

With our correspondent in Cairo, Alexandre Buccianti

What shocks many Egyptians of all persuasions the most is that the announcement of the expensive new presidential jet comes at a time when the country is facing a severe shortage of foreign exchange which is affecting the economy. Many factories have reduced their production because they cannot find the dollars or euros needed to import components or raw materials.

At the same time, the prices of many basic necessities such as rice, oil or flour have skyrocketed, making the lives of the poorest, a third of the population, even more difficult.

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The authorities have tried to justify the acquisition of the Boeing 747: the current presidential plane is 28 years old and expensive to maintain. The new plane, even if it has flown little, was bought second-hand at half price since it was manufactured in 2011. Arguments that fail to convince Egyptians who are confronted daily with an increase in the cost of living .
