the presence of the National Rally bristles on the left

the presence of the National Rally bristles on the left

The presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate called yesterday, Tuesday, for a “major civic march” against anti-Semitism, but the announced presence of the National Rally is causing unease on the left and in the presidential majority.

4 mins

The tone is rising regarding this march which purported to call for mobilization against the resurgence of anti-Semitic acts in France – more than 1,000 in one month, a record. “ A start is necessary, to clearly demonstrate that France does not accept anti-Semitism and that the French do not resign themselves, and will never resign themselves to the inevitability of hatred (…) Our secularism must be protected, it is a bulwark against Islamism », Write Gérard Larcher and Yaël Braun-Pivet in their press release announcing the demonstration. The president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif), Yonathan Arfi, brought his “ full support for the call “.

Also listen: decryption with Jean-Philippe MoinetFrance: no national unity around a march against anti-Semitism on Sunday

LFI: no

But the prospect of this parade was rejected by Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) and by Fabien Roussel (PCF) due to the announced presence of the National Rally, which quickly announced its participation. “ I will participate “, declared Marine Le Pen this Wednesday morning, and “ I call on all of our members and voters to come and join this march… The more people there are, the better it will be “, she added, ensuring that she was ready to parade “ at the end of the procession » since his presence is disturbing.

What LFI, which officially refused to participate in this march, and the PCF highlight is that the RN is the political heir of the National Front founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen. several times condemned for anti-Semitic remarks” and by “men who collaborated » with Nazi Germany, recalled Fabien Roussel. “ I will not march alongside (them)… We may march in another place, but not with them”he insisted this Wednesday, indicating that he would discuss it with “ other leaders of republican left forces “.

Same embarrassment among the socialists for whom “ the presence of the RN at this march is illegitimate” in view of “its identity, its positions » and comments made on Sunday by its president Jordan Bardella for whom Jean-Marie Le Pen was not anti-Semitic. The PS nevertheless finally called “ all French people, whatever their position on the war in the Middle East, to join the demonstration “. The first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, invited Monday to “ take a common initiative expressing our total rejection of anti-Semitism », in a letter addressed to all political parties, with the exception of the RN.

It’s not a question of whether they should be welcome. What is certain is that the President of the Senate and I will march at the head of this procession and we will not march alongside the RN.

March against anti-Semitism: the presence of the RN causes unease in the political class

Eric Chaurin

No mood on the right

Embarrassment also in the presidential party. Stéphane Séjourné, secretary general of the Renaissance party, also expressed the greatest reservations about the presence of the RN. “ I solemnly call on the organizers as well as the political parties who will participate not to be complicit in the trivialization of a party founded by anti-Semites. “, he explained.

Others have less qualms: on the right, Éric Ciotti (LR), on the far right Éric Zemmour and his head of list in the next European elections, Marion Maréchal (Reconquête) immediately made it known that they would be.

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, “ participate in » to this march against anti-Semitism, while the RN “ has no place » declared Olivier Véran during the report of the Council of Ministers. “ In my opinion, the National Rally has no place in this demonstration “, but ” it is a public demonstration in which everyone is free, in conscience, to participate », declared the minister.

Emmanuel Macron, for his part, wonders about his possible participation. The head of state could reveal his intentions at the beginning of the afternoon in front of Freemason leaders. Tuesday evening, during a dinner with the tenors of his camp at the Élysée, he had not yet decided, according to participants.

(with AFP)

Read alsoThe French government presents a new plan to combat racism and anti-Semitism
