the prefect of Martinique establishes a curfew “until calm is restored”

the prefect of Martinique establishes a curfew until calm is

The prefect of Martinique, in the French Antilles, decided Thursday, November 25 to establish a curfew in the face of nighttime urban violence in the island, which, like its neighbor Guadeloupe, is experiencing a protest movement, born of a refusal of the obligation to vaccinate caregivers, but which has degenerated into a social crisis. At least ten people were arrested in connection with the violence that disturbed Martinique during the night from Thursday to Friday.

The authorities are raising the tone in Martinique. Until now, it was possible to travel until 10 p.m. From now on, it will be 3 hours earlier: at 7 p.m., for everyone without exception. As a goal ” the return to a peaceful situation ” who “ then allows (you) to dialogue, to work, to move forward “, but also “ the return of public service and the reopening of the school system », Explained the prefect Stanislas Cazelles.

A measure taken after 4 nights punctuated by violence on the island, in particular at the level of roadblocks held during the day by strikers and which turn after nightfall into a pitched battle against the police, reports our special envoy Pierre Olivier .

The prefect also announced that this night, the police system would be reinforced and more mobile to be able to follow the movements of the thugs and ” target the most difficult points “. “ Groups of individuals have committed damage and set up roadblocks “, and “ acts of violence have taken place against the security forces “, Argued the representative of the State who added that” eleven people “Had been arrested and” several weapons »Entries.

Four journalists were the target of shots during the night from Thursday to Friday in Fort-de-France. Men on two motorcycles shot at them as they were filming and taking photos a good distance from a burning dam. None were injured but several police officers have been the target of shots since Monday, slightly injuring many of them, says Agence France-Presse.

To read and listen: Martinique: the protest movement and the roadblocks continue

But for the moment, no reinforcement from metropolitan France has been announced, nor the date of the visit of the Minister of Overseas Territories. A meeting was also held Thursday morning between the local authorities and the inter-union at the origin of the roadblocks.

The only announcement for the moment, at the request of the unions, all travelers who go to Martinique from the metropolis will now have to carry a negative Covid test, and this, even if they are vaccinated.

To appease the situation, French Prime Minister Jean Castex notably announced on Monday the creation of a “ dialogue instance ” in order to ” convince and support individually, humanely », Professionals concerned by the vaccination obligation.

Young people suffer on the one hand so they manifest themselves through violence. I outright condemn.

Report: In front of a warehouse of boats ravaged by flames, residents denounce the violence

At least ten people were arrested in connection with the violence during the night from Thursday to Friday. Ten police officers were injured in Martinique, including five by bullets and five others by projectiles, according to a new police report communicated to AFP. A policeman was injured in the arm Friday by shots from a roadblock erected in Fort-de-France, while another received an impact that lodged in his bulletproof vest. Three RAID police officers were targeted by shots fired during an intervention on a roadblock. Five others were injured by projectiles, police said.

I give them my full support. Everything is done to find those responsible », Indicated Gérald Darmanin on Twitter.

