The predators roamed freely in the cold – eludes the Sami village

– It’s been a long time since there was such good grazing, but the reindeer must not be left alone, there will be no grazing peace as long as we have these predators hunting and dispersing around the clock, says reindeer herder Lars-Jon Gråik.

In total, the documented damage picture for Jijnjevaerie Sami village concerns around 30 reindeer killed.

The neighboring village of Jovnevaerie has also had a similar predator problem and currently has two ongoing protection hunts for wolverines.

The situation for Jijnjevaerie was unchanged when SVT Sápmi contacted the Sami village on Friday.

– Right now we don’t have good conditions either, we haven’t yet managed to locate the lynx. After this cold snap that was, we lost them a little bit. It became too difficult to keep track of them in this cold weather. At the moment, we are probably on square one, says Gråik.
