the pre-dialogue starts following the choice of the politico-military delegates

journalists furious at not being able to cover the Doha

After more than a week of negotiations, alliances followed by sudden reversals, the 52 politico-military movements invited to Doha finally formed themselves into three groups for the pre-dialogue between the Chadian transitional power and the politico-military movements . Enough to allow Qatar to get to the heart of the matter, by discussing separately with the various rebel groups.

There is the Rome group, made up of 20 movements, several of which are well established: the Fact, the UFR, the CCMSR or even the UFDD. They have set up a group of 14 delegates who will negotiate on their behalf.

The Doha group has 22 politico-military and allies, including groups from Sudan and Ndjamena. He tabled a list of 16 delegates. Finally, there is the Qatar group which aligns ten movements with 8 delegates.

Serious things will finally begin »

Suddenly, the Qatari facilitation convened for the first time since the beginning of these negotiations, an informal meeting with the transitional government and the Chadian politico-military this Tuesday morning, where we talked about working methods.

First demand of the rebels, that Qatar agrees to be the official mediator in these negotiations. A request to which the host country acceded during a closed session with the only politico-military in the afternoon. There remained the response of the government, which had not yet met the Qatari team. But that shouldn’t be a problem since he had already given his agreement in principle, according to our sources.

Serious things will finally begin “, again according to these sources, with a first meeting this Wednesday, March 23 in the morning between the Qatari mediation and the delegates of the Qatar group, who will present to him and discuss his agenda and his conditions. It will be around the Doha group in the afternoon and then the delegates from Rome on Thursday morning. The rest of the program has not yet been communicated to the delegations by a team from Qatar who wants to keep control of the agenda.

►Also read: Success Masra calls for more transparency in the pre-dialogue process
