The postcode lottery’s warning: This is how fraudsters trick you

The postcode lotterys warning This is how fraudsters trick you

Hundreds of people have contacted the Postcode Lottery and said that fraudsters are using their names. Now the lottery warns that it could happen again.

News24 have talked to Roger Magnergårdpress spokesperson at the Postal Code Lottery, about the fraudsters.

– The postcode lottery has issued information to all around one million customers and warned of fraudsters and, among other things, published the police’s tips against fraud, says Magnergård.

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This is how fraudsters act when they cheat you out of money

He says that the fraudsters usually find phone numbers, addresses and dates of birth in public records. The most common is that they call their victims.

– The modus operandi is roughly as follows when the person answers: “Hello, I’m calling from the Postcode Lottery and just want to tell you the happy news that you won 37,000 kroner (the amount can vary by a few thousand notes) in Grannyran. Aren’t you happy? And soon it’s Christmas – what are you going to do with the money?”, Magnergård tells Nyheter24.

Sometimes the fraudsters ask for account numbers and which bank the victim has, in other cases they send a QR code that they ask you to scan.

Roger Magnergård at the Postal Code Lottery. Photo: Postcode lottery press images.

– The fraudsters have so far proven to be eloquent, they talk a lot – explain that it is in a hurry – and thereby stress the people they are trying to deceive.

READ MORE: Woman cheated of 37,000 – thought she had won the Postcode lottery

The postcode lottery: “It never happens”

Magnergård is clear that they at Postkodlotteriet never call and ask for personal information. Any winnings are automatically deposited into the bank account that the customer notified when they started subscribing to their lottery ticket.

– It never happens that representatives of the Postal Code Lottery ask for a card and code with the promise of direct deposit of winnings. Anyone who wants to check whether it has won can call the Postcode Lottery’s customer service or log in to the Postcode Lottery’s My pages, he tells Nyheter24.

The Swedish postcode lottery. Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT.

He reminds, however, that the lottery’s well-known prize winner surprises a number of winners every week, but that these surprises are always preceded by a certain amount of preparation, and that the prize winner is always dressed in yellow, blue, green and red, i.e. the colors of the Postcode Lottery.

– These visits have usually been preceded by the arrest of a neighbor, relative or colleague. A television crew is in the company of the winner, who is dressed in the Postcode Lottery’s colours. Although the winner’s check is shown on television, the winnings are paid directly to the winner’s account.

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The police’s tips for how to protect yourself against fraud

  • Never give out account details either over the phone or during a visit.
  • Never hand over your bank card and code to another person.
  • Never let an unfamiliar person in without checking eligibility.
  • Dare to be awkward.
  • Feel free to report it to the police so the police get an idea of ​​the scope.
  • Source: The police.

    DON’T MISS: Reveal fraudsters from the Postal Code Lottery – there is only one way

    “They really have nothing to be ashamed of”

    So far this year, the Postcode Lottery has heard of 245 cases of fraudsters using the lottery’s name. However, Magnergård believes that there is a dark story and he points out that there is no shame in having been exposed.

    – Of course, there is a story of darkness where seniors who have been deceived do not want to talk about it – neither to the Postal Code Lottery, the police and perhaps mainly their relatives, he says and continues:

    – They are simply ashamed, unfortunately. They really have nothing to be ashamed of. The fraudsters are the suggestions and many around Sweden have been affected.

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