The Postcode Lottery profile on the redraws: “The hard…”

The Postcode Lottery profile on the redraws The hard

In “Postkodmiljonären” on TV4, Swedes have, ever since 2005, been able to put their skills to the test in the so-called “hot seat”. Program manager for the entire party is Richard Sjöberg.

But in addition to the quiz, viewers also get to see how some lucky Postcode Lottery winners out in the country are surprised with winning cheques. Those who bring the good news are Magdalena Forsberg, Daniel Paris, Sandra Dahlberg, Christian “Kicken” Lundqvist and Jesper Blomqvist.

This is how the winners of the Postcode Lottery are surprised: “A whole team”

The Swedish Postcode Lottery has existed since 2005. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT

The Postcode Lottery profile on the winner’s reaction: “Totally bet”

Jesper Blomqvist on the challenge in the Postcode Lottery

In an interview with News24 states Jesper Blomqvist that the best thing about being a prize distributor is of course “seeing all the joy that the winnings bring”. But there are also challenges in the job.

– Everything is recorded for television and then we sometimes need to do reshoots. The difficult thing then may be to find your way back to the same energy, he says.

Read more articles about the Postal Code Lottery and the Postal Code Millionaire here:

This is the relationship between the Postcode Lottery profiles: “Little…”

The secret tests in the Postal code millionaire – this is how they go: “Not prepared”

It happens during the breaks in Postcode millionaire – the participant reveals
