the population shared by Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Brazzaville

Congo B wants to raise the retirement age to 65 the

Brazzaville, the Congolese capital, will be the fourth and penultimate stage of French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Africa. This Friday, March 3, a few hours will be devoted to face-to-face meetings with Denis Sassou-Nguesso and he must also meet the French community settled in Congo. His very brief five-hour stay divided the population.

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

Franck Charlin Aubin Tchibinda is a human rights defender. In an impeccable outfit, he leaves his office where he has just published a declaration with his colleagues on the visit of President Macron. Obviously, he is unhappy: It intrigues us because civil society will not have the opportunity to discuss with him. We would have liked him to have some of his precious time to discuss with civil society, because we have a lot of things on the table “, he regrets.

I don’t expect anything from him »

Nose plunged into his computer Roch Mitho, a citizen of Brazzaville broods over his anger: “ He spends the night elsewhere and once in Congo it is for a few hours, he should have passed without even landing at Brazzaville airport. Frankly, I’m disappointed and I don’t expect anything from him “, he lets go.

►Also read : Congo-Brazzaville: the ban on the export of logs is debated

A few steps from the Ministry of Finance, Alain Amboulou, teacher, walks quickly. For him the arrival of Emmanuel Macron is a great event: “ This is a good thing, given the current context: Russia is gaining influence in Africa. France must also take its place because we still have a common history. For me, the arrival of President Macron is a good thing. We await it with open arms “, he says.

The last visit dates back to 2009

The last visit of a French head of state to Congo dates back to 2009. President Nicolas Sarkozy came to sign a series of agreements, including the concession of the port of Pointe-Noire to Vincent Bolloré.

►Also read : Nicolas Sarkozy insists on democracy (archived March 27, 2009)
