The Pope thinks that both of the US presidential candidates are “against life” | News in brief

Pope Francis said that voters must choose the lesser of two evils in elections.

Pope Francis accused both front-runners in the US presidential election on Friday of being “anti-life”.

The view emerged when the Pope answered reporters’ questions about the upcoming US presidential election.

In his answer, the Pope referred to the Republican candidate Donald Trump’s for anti-immigration politics and the Democratic candidate Horrible Harris support for abortion rights.

– Both are against life. One of them repels immigrants and the other kills children.

According to the Pope, voters must make a decision between the candidates according to their conscience.

– You have to choose the lesser of two evils. Which is the lesser evil, the woman or the gentleman?

The Pope returned to Rome on Friday from his 12-day tour in the Asia-Pacific region. The trip was the longest of his papal career in terms of distance and duration.
