The pope extremely near death: “was suffocated by Spyor”

IT Security Expert: “Not to be done digitally at all”


Three news you must not miss:

  • The pope extremely near death: “was suffocated by Spyor”

    The pope extremely near death: “was suffocated by Spyor”

    The Pope was so close to death that his medical team was considering giving up and letting him die in peace, Reuters writes.

    At one point he was suffocating his spy.

    “There was a real risk that he would not be able to do it,” says Sergio Alfier, physician at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome.

  • Skåne will save over one billion on healthcare personnel

    Skåne will save over one billion on healthcare personnel

    The Regional Board in Skåne has decided to save over SEK 1 billion on healthcare personnel to get a budget in balance, reports P4 Kristianstad

    The largest savings requirements are directed at Skåne University Hospital, the laser in Ystad and Helsingborg’s laser.

    Among other things, the use of staffing companies should decrease, as well as the number of employees.

  • Suspected dangerous item in residence

    Suspected dangerous item in residence

    During the night, police were alerted about a suspected dangerous object at an address in Majorna in Gothenburg.

    The police have taken care of the object.

    No one has been injured but the case is classified as grossly illegal threats.

  • Person got stuck under geothermal heat pump

    Person got stuck under geothermal heat pump

    A person was injured on his work in connection with a heat pump being unloaded.

    The pump overturned and then the person stuck under it which caused damage to the legs.

    The person has been taken to hospital and the police have prepared a report of a workplace accident.

  • After 140 villa fractures – Juvetjuvar arrested

    After 140 villa fractures – Juvetjuvar arrested

    Two people have been arrested after a comprehensive burglary wave in Skåne and Halland, police write in a press release.

    The police have also secured a large amount of theft in the form of jewelry that will now return to their owners. Something the police now want help with.

    – We are very keen to be able to return all these jewelry to its rightful owner. Although all jewelry does not condition a high economic value, we see that in many cases it is rather a sentimal value for the right owner, says Rickard Pedersen, investigating officer at the police.

    According to the police, the thieves were looking for two things – jewelry and cash.

    – In January, we were able to arrest two Eastern European citizens in Ängelholm after a long time scouting. The duo is currently being arrested for burglary theft. After the arrests, the number of burglaries in villas also dropped dramatically, says Rickard Pedersen.

  • Man looked at child porn on the flight

    Man looked at child porn on the flight

    A passenger on a flight discovered that his chair neighbor, a man at the age of 55, looked at child porn.

    The incident took place on a plane from Finland.

    – Both the man and the witness would only make a stopover in Sweden. The witness has traveled further, says Daniel Wikdahl at the police.

    The flight staff alerted the police and when the plane landed at Arlanda, the man was arrested by police.

    He is neither a Swedish nor Finnish citizen, police say.

  • Man broke toilet

    Man broke toilet

    A 35-year-old man has broken a toilet inside the social services premises in Gävle.

    The man was heavily intoxicated and was taken care of by police.

  • Beatrice Ask ends as governor

    Beatrice Ask ends as governor

    After five years as governor, Beatrice Ask will now quit his job, reports P4 Sörmland.

    She will make her last day March 31st. Who takes over her place is still unclear.

  • 23 people were deprived of citizenship – illegal

    At least 23 people have illegally been deprived of their Danish citizenship. File image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    23 people were deprived of citizenship – illegal

    At least 23 people have illegally been deprived of their Danish citizenship, the magazine writes politics.

    In June last year, Denmark’s Supreme Court concluded that the law was interpreted by a woman who became a Danish citizen in 2005, when she was nine years old. Her father was born in Vietnam, but was a Danish citizen, and her mother was a French citizen. The woman herself was born in Vietnam.

    In 2021, the then government made a reinterpretation of the law, which resulted that after 16 years as a Danish citizen, the woman was deprived of her citizenship. The argument was that the father was not a Danish citizen when she was born. Since the Supreme Court concluded that the reinterpretation of the law was incorrect, she has regained it.

    Now documents that the policy have taken note of the fact that another 22 people have suffered the same thing. Denmark’s Migration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek (S) states for the newspaper that there may also be cases where people have been denied the application for Danish citizenship because the law was interpreted wrong.

  • SL opens the latches after problems

    SL opens the latches after problems

    During the morning, several people traveling with SL had trouble blipping a ticket or debit card.

  • Threats of monthly fee for Facebook and Instagram

    It can be expensive to avoid targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram – if Mark Zuckerberg’s meta can decide. Archive image Photo: Richard Drew AP/TT

    Threats of monthly fee for Facebook and Instagram

    European mobile users who do not allow Facebook or Instagram to use the account for targeted ads may be forced to pay a monthly fee of $ 14 (about SEK 141), reports The Wall Street Journal.

    The newspaper refers to a proposal that Mark Zuckerberg’s meta has presented to authorities in the EU.

    The proposal from META – which, among other things, owns Instagram and Facebook – is a response to the fact that the EU’s regulation on digital markets and Irish Data Protection Authorities’ tightening requirements on social networks – which, among other things, limits the ability to use targeted ads without first obtaining approval from users.

    For computer users, the monthly fee would end up slightly lower than for mobile users, citing that Meta in pricing must take into account the fees charged by Apple and Google in their app systems.

  • HD lowers punishment for murdered teenager

    HD lowers punishment for murdered teenager

    The Supreme Court changes the punishment for the teenager who was convicted last year for murder of another man in Solna.

    The boy, who was only 16 years old at the time of the crime was sentenced in the High Court to prison for ten years and nine months in prison after the man was shot with several shots. Something that is considered a long punishment for such a young person. In the judgment, it was also included that just shortly earlier, the boy had been convicted of attempted murder of two people a short time before the murder.

    The judgment was appealed and the Supreme Court (HD) raised the case. HD decides the penalty to eight years and ten months for the murder.

    But that young people are now being sentenced to longer punishment is now not uncommon. As the crimes become more serious and not infrequently happen in threaded environments.

  • The Office of the Auditor General is harshly criticizing the Migration Board

    The Office of the Auditor General is harshly criticizing the Migration Board

    The Office of the Auditor General points out major shortcomings at the Migration Board when it comes to how they handle citizenship cases.

    “The overall assessment is that it is not effective,” writes the OAG.

    These include, among other things, unreasonably long waiting times, that the authority prioritizes simpler cases but also deficiencies when it comes to making correct decisions.

    Some people have been waiting for several years for a decision, while others are deciding the same year as the application is submitted.

  • Tass: Russia wants to have the UN at the hearing

    Tass: Russia wants to have the UN at the hearing

    The United States and Russia meet in Saudi Arabia for conversations about a limited ceasefire. Now Russian Tass reports that Russia wants the UN at the negotiating table.

    This is stated by Russia’s representative Grigory Karasin.

    Negotiations between Russia and the United States will continue together with, among other things, the UN and other countries.

    – We will continue to do this, and involve the international community, first and foremost the UN and individual countries. In general, the impression of such a constructive dialogue remains and is necessary. The Americans are also interested in this, said Grigory Karasin in a statement according to Tass.

  • Police fired shots – one to hospital

    Police fired shots – one to hospital

    One person has been shot by the police in Karlshamn. The incident occurred in connection with an investigation case when a confrontation arose between the police and the suspect.

    The police first fired a warning shot and then fire that met the person.

    The suspected person was injured and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The site has been blocked off and investigative measures are ongoing. The police were present in Karlshamn for an investigation work.

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