The Pope attends Mass after the hospital stay

The Pope attends Mass after the hospital stay

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen Pope Francis in his custom-built vehicle heading across St Peter’s Square on Palm Sunday, the day after he left hospital in Rome. Photo: Andrew Medichini/AP/TT

Pope Francis participates in the Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square, where tens of thousands of people have gathered. This is the day after he left the hospital where he was treated for bronchial catarrh.

The 86-year-old pope’s hospital stay began on Wednesday, sparking fears that he may not be able to participate in the planned Holy Week events. However, he was discharged on Saturday and on Sunday was able to wave from his vehicle to around 30,000 people gathered in the square.

Palm Sunday marks the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and it also marks the start of Holy Week.
