The polling station shows: Labor is heading for a landslide victory

The British election was announced on May 22 and at 7:00 a.m. on July 4 the doors to the polling stations in Great Britain opened. When the polling stations now close at 11 p.m. (Swedish time), the results of the first opinion poll conducted by Ipsos for the BBC, ITV and Sky News are published.

The survey shows: Labor takes the lead

The result from the survey states that Labor looks to be heading for a sure win. There will thus be a change of power in London after 14 years of Conservative rule.

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  • Labor looks set to win 410 of the House of Commons’ 650 seats, while the Tories pick up just 131 seats. This means that Labor could gain 209 more seats than in the 2019 election – and that the Tories lose 241 seats.

    This is how the places are distributed:

  • Conservative Party, Tories: 131
  • Labour: 410
  • The Liberal Democrats: 61
  • Scottish Nationalist Party: 10
  • Reform UK: 13
  • Plaid Cymru: 4
  • Green Party: 2
  • If the polling station poll turns out to be correct, it means that Keir Starmer will become the new Prime Minister of Great Britain. A final result is not expected until early Friday morning.

    “A breakdown like no other”

    The country’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, leader of the Tories, initially called the election a decision about “who can give the people a better future.” He promised to fight for continued confidence, but instead it looks like the Tories are heading for their biggest loss in the party’s 190-year history.

    – It’s a breakdown like no other, says Håkan Bengtsson, CEO of Arena Group.

    – It means a unique shift in British politics.

    The UK polling station survey is carried out by Ipsos and collects information directly from 130 polling stations where voters are asked to hand in an extra ballot for the survey.

    Here you can watch SVT’s entire broadcast about the election in Great Britain.
