Both the 27-year-old from Gotland who sent the package of money and the 31-year-old from the Stockholm area who was the recipient are already known by law enforcement authorities.
Package of amphetamines
At the same time, the 31-year-old had in turn mailed a package to a 25-year-old in Visby. It then turned out to contain 2.6 kilos of amphetamine. The police replace the drug and the 25-year-old is arrested on April 25 after he collects the package.
A few weeks later, the police want to arrest the 27-year-old and the 31-year-old. The Gotlänningen can be arrested the same day, but the 31-year-old was able to stay away until July 7, when he is arrested under tumultuous conditions on Värmdö.
Cocaine and ecstasy
When the police take a closer look at packages that the 31-year-old sent to and received from Gotland, a 30-year-old woman comes into focus. She was arrested and admitted during questioning that she, together with a 34-year-old man, handled 200 grams of cocaine and 1018 ecstasy tablets just over a month before the police found the package of money.
The woman has previously gone unpunished and was released after her confession. She is said to have later retracted the confession. The four men deny wrongdoing.