The police’s findings on the A-tractor – boy convicted of incitement against a group of people

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It was this summer that the police in Värmland stopped an A-tractor driven by a 17-year-old boy. The police suspected that everything was not right and decided to do a check, reports Expo.

It turned out that the boy did not have the right to drive the A-tractor but that was not the only thing that caught the attention of the police…

A sticker with an anti-Semitic message hung in the windshield.

Incitement against ethnic group

“Do like Hitler, full throttle”, it was written all over the box at the bottom. The patrol documented the sticker and the car was impounded for further investigation, writes the newspaper.

The boy was suspected of incitement against a group of people and illegal driving, the latter he admitted. In questioning, he has stated that he did not think the text was racist, but that it was a joke about driving fast.

He also stated that the decals were there when he purchased the vehicle a month earlier.

“Painfully clear”

In early December, the teenage boy was convicted by the Värmland district court of incitement against a ethnic group. In the judgment, the district court writes that the boy was aware of the message he was spreading.

“The association with the concentration camps during the Second World War becomes painfully clear,” writes the district court and believes that the victims’ suffering has been reduced to a joke about driving fast.

The boy is sentenced to 20 hours of youth service for incitement against a group of people and illegal driving according to Expo.

The anti-Semitic sticker on the A tractor. Photo: Police preliminary investigation
