The police start a major investigation after the explosions: “Want to get an overall picture”

Right now, seven people are in custody with connections to explosions that took place in the region during the past week, the police’s regional manager Robert Karlsson said on Thursday.

Regarding the explosions in Kortedala and Olskroken on the night of Thursday 31 August, the police cannot answer whether any of the detainees are connected there. Four men were arrested on the E45 at Trollhättan the same day with dangerous objects in a car, they are suspected of preparing for public destruction.

What the other three detainees are suspected of, the police do not want to say, but confirm that it has to do with explosions during the last week in Västra Götaland.

“Don’t belong to the norm”

Anna Bergkvist, who is section head for the investigation of serious violent crimes, says that in addition to the police launching a so-called special incident after Thursday’s explosions, they have now also started a major investigation to better map the explosions. And any connections between them.

– It doesn’t just have to be about explosions, but can also be other types of crimes in the context of explosions, we want to see the picture in a larger perspective and get an overall picture. We don’t want to lock ourselves in a police area, she says.

According to Anna Bergkvist, it has happened in the past that the police make larger regional investigative organizations, but this is unusual.

– It is not part of everyday life.

Can you say something already now about possible connections?

– There are things that need to be looked at more closely, they may be small pieces of the puzzle that help us further.

In the clip, Maria and Zdenka show the damage to their apartments after the explosion in Kortedala on Thursday night.
