The police sound the alarm: Child pornography crimes are increasing in Värmland

Last year, 148 child pornography offenses were reported in Värmland. This year, the same figure is already up to 1196 pieces and now the police are sounding the alarm.
The increase seems to be due to more children and young people sharing illegal material on social media.
They can be guilty without knowing it, says police officer Lottie Hedenborg NWT.

The police in Bergslagen sound the alarm that children and young people are spreading illegal material on social media. It writes New Wermlands magazine. At the same time, the number of child pornography crimes in the region has increased significantly. In 2022, the police received 148 cases classified as child pornography offences. This year they have already received 1196 pieces.

– They don’t understand that it is criminal, says the police officer Lottie Hedenborg, group leader at ISÖB, Internet-related sexual abuse of children, to NWT.

The material that is spread can be anything from nude pictures to films of assault and rape.

– It is a growing problem. When they share this kind of material, they can be guilty of a child pornography crime, without knowing it, Lottie Hedenborg tells the newspaper.

“Don’t want the young people to be convicted”

Now the police in the region want to put an end to the negative trend by, among other things, handing out information leaflets as part of a campaign. This is to reach out with the information to both schools and guardians.

– We do not want these young people, who do not understand what they are doing, to be convicted of a child pornography crime and have it on their record. It can create big problems in the future when they have to apply for education and jobs, says Lottie Hedenborg to the newspaper.
