The police sound the alarm about the deadly Tiktok game – on the roof

A worrying Tiktok trend has been discovered among Bollnäs’ youth.
Now the police in the area are warning that the game can have deadly consequences.
– If something happens, it will end badly, it’s not so good if you fall right there, says Christian Massana, reporter at Ljusnan in Efter fem.

At a bandy arena in Bollnäs, the staff has noticed dangerous behavior among some young people, reports The light. They get on the roof and run around – and the trend has spread to other cities.

– I have heard the rumor that there are film clips out on Tiktok from the roof. And it also happens that young people from other cities come here to climb on the roof, says Jonas Bengtsson, operations manager at SBB arena to Ljusnan.

To prevent the problem, the staff have put up barbed wire, but that doesn’t stop the youngsters who just cut it.

– If something happens, it will end badly. The bandy hall is 24 meters high, I think. It’s not so good if you fall right there, says Christian Massana, reporter at Ljusnan

Police call

Now the police have been involved and they are asking the public to raise the alarm if you see someone on a roof in the area.

– It is both illegal trespass and damage that they are guilty of when they are there, says Christian Massana.

Today 18:36

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