The police report on traffic control, Östersund

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The police in Jämtland report this:

During the morning, a traffic control was held on Stuguvägen, Körfältet. All controlled drivers were sober. The police also carried out three flying inspections of vehicles.

Traffic was then controlled on the E45 near Kläppe. Two drivers were fined for speeding offences, one of whom had his license suspended.

Read more here.

Info about Traffic Control offences

Östersund is in the top 5 in Sweden this year in terms of traffic control.

The city with the most traffic controls so far this year is Norrbotten, followed by Västernorrland and Västerbotten county. Brief facts about Östersund

Östersund has 52,980 inhabitants and is located in Jämtland. Östersund is located by Storsjön and is part of Storsjöbygden and is Jämtland’s county and province’s only city.

Google Maps: Östersund
