The police report a fire, Kalmar

The police report a fire, Kalmar

“Fire on stove, Oxhagen.”, the police write on their website.

The police in Kalmar County report this:

Police, emergency services and an ambulance are sent to Arrheniusgatan due to an apartment fire. The stove has caught fire and the apartment is full of smoke.

A person who has been in the residence has been taken out by neighbors. Unclear state of damage.

Read more here.

Info about Fire crimes

Kalmar is in the top 16 in Sweden this year in terms of fire.

The city with the most fires so far this year is Malmö, followed by Stockholm and Linköping. Brief facts about Kalmar

Kalmar is a town in Kalmar county, with 41,852 inhabitants. Kalmar is Småland’s third largest urban area after Jönköping and Växjö.


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