The police on the search for Henrik: Items seized

The police on the search for Henrik Items seized
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ALING SAUCE. Five days have passed since anyone saw the hockey boy Henrik, 15.

Three are under arrest on suspicion of involvement in crime in connection with the disappearance – and the police’s search operation continues.

– We will do everything we can to find Henrik, says August Brandt, police spokesperson.

Under a railway bridge over the Säveån, Coast Guard divers have been looking for finds during Saturday. Next to the roar of the E45 in the forest next door, the police are looking for traces with the help of dog patrols and a helicopter. The search effort to find Henrik, 15, continues.

During the course of the day, Aftonbladet was able to observe how policemen left the roughly one-kilometer cordoned-off area with bags in hand. On one occasion a brown paper bag and on one occasion a blue plastic bag. Now the police confirm that finds have been made in the area.

– Items have been seized. Whether those findings have anything to do with Henrik’s disappearance, we don’t know at the moment, says August Brandt, the police’s press spokesperson on the spot, to Aftonbladet.

full screen The police confirm that items have been seized. Photo: Tomas Johansson

Garage has been blocked off

Three people are being held on Saturday afternoon on suspicion of involvement in crime in connection with Henrik’s disappearance. Two are suspected of kidnapping and one is suspected of aggravated protection of a criminal.

A garage in Alingsås is said to have also been blocked off due to the investigation. According to Göteborgs-Posten should more than one of the suspects have connections to the building in question.

– We have several places that are interesting, that we simply search for Henrik in, says August Brandt.

A garage must have been blocked off?

– I cannot answer any more questions regarding the preliminary investigation right now.

Both police and Coast Guard vehicles have been seen around the cordoned off area around Säveån during Saturday. The police have launched a regional special event due to Henrik’s disappearance. Uniformed personnel, helicopters and dog patrols are on duty.

– My colleagues are doing a superb job, I have seen that during the day today. There are many of us who are helped, it is a special event and we have a very large resource, says August Brandt.

He describes the effort:

– There are many actors working together to find Henrik. The search continues and our top priority is to find him.

“All tips are important”

Henrik, 15, was last seen at his home on Monday afternoon. Then he talked to his father about how the school day had been. He didn’t notice anything different about his son’s behavior then. Aftonbladet has also been in contact with several people who met Henrik in the days surrounding the disappearance. No one then noticed any abnormal behavior.

Henrik is described as a happy, social, kind and very interested in hockey guy. His disappearance has engaged many and the police have received a lot of information from the public.

– A lot of tips have come in from there and the public are our eyes and ears. So all tips are very important, says August Brandt.

On Saturday afternoon, five days have passed since Henrik’s father Mika, whom Aftonbladet met on Friday, last saw or heard from his son.

– We will do everything we can to find Henrik. We have a large resource on site and various types of units that are assisted. Our goal is simply to find him, says August Brandt, police spokesperson.
