The police on the extreme cold in the north: More difficult to save lives

When it gets cold, fewer people move around town and crimes such as vandalism, assault and theft decrease. On the other hand, there will be more alarms about fires and other life-saving efforts.

During Wednesday, the police received an alert about a mountain tourist on skis in Tärnaby who ended up in distress due to hypothermia.

– Regardless of whether you have experience and good equipment, the situation changes completely. You quickly become chilled and the time to rescue someone is reduced drastically, says Simon Wormö.

80-year-old lay helpless in a snowdrift

The second case occurred in Älvsbyn during Thursday morning. A caller raised the alarm about an intoxicated person in a snowdrift but the input value was incorrect.

– An ambulance went out and it was an elderly man in his 80s who had fallen. He did not get up without help and he could have suffered serious injuries as it was close to minus 40 degrees, says Wormö.

So you can help save lives

The officer on duty of the police emphasizes that civil humanity can be the whole difference in the life-saving moment.

– If you see a car in the ditch, check if anyone is sitting in it. It could be someone injured who can’t get out or can’t raise the alarm.

In the clip – hear from the police in Norrbotten about how to act in emergency situations.
