With the help of a new app, the police will be able to access violent men.
– Now we can enter the perpetrators’ arena and hunt in a completely different way, says Anders Elmroth, group leader of the Jämtland police area.
The police will start using technology to access violent men. In an app, they have entered the so-called high-risk list of men who are particularly violent towards women, something like P4 Jamtland previously reported on.
– A high-risk actor, as we call them, is a man who, according to certain search criteria and certain behavioral patterns, poses a greater than normal danger of committing deadly and serious violence in relational crimes. A very dangerous individual, quite simply, says Anders Elmroth, group leader of the Jämtland police area.
The app should be a tool for police officers who work in external service. The idea is that they should be able to search for and keep track of the men.
– The police profession in external service is a very broad service area. We want to be able to make it as easy as possible for them to know what their task is to solve so that they can put their full focus on these perpetrators.
“Normally we are reactive in this crime”
Anders Elmroth explains that, with the help of the app that maps the violent men, you should be able to work in a new way.
– Normally, we are reactive in this crime. We are waiting for a report and then we will investigate what has happened. Now we can enter the perpetrators’ arena and hunt in a completely different way.
The idea is that the app will be tested at the beginning of next year.
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