The police in Uppsala hold a press conference

Police Region Mitt holds a press conference on the occasion of the recent act of violence. During the night of Thursday, a 25-year-old woman died after a powerful explosion outside Uppsala.
– The situation in society is inhumane, incomprehensible and limitless, says Catarina Bowall, head of command.

– The situation in society is inhumane, incomprehensible and limitless. Crime has reached a scale we have not seen before, says Catarina Bowall, head of command.

A 25-year-old woman died, and two houses were heavily damaged in the explosion, which occurred just before four o’clock. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the woman was not the intended target.

Today 15:27

LIVE: After the night’s explosion in Uppsala – the police and the municipality have a press conference

– It is likely that this has to do with the national conflict. It is likely that the victims have nothing to do with the national conflict, says Catarina Bowall.

Ulf Johansson, regional police chief, also participates.

– We are seeing an escalation of violence that we have not seen before, he says.

He says that Swedish police are now working around the clock and that approximately 35 people are in custody for the latest events.

The text is updated.
