The police in Helsingborg report on traffic violations

The police in Helsingborg report on traffic violations The picture is a genre picture.

“Carelessness in traffic,” the police write on their website.

The police in Skåne report this:

Police are ordered due to several callers telling about a car driving carelessly in the central parts of Helsingborg. Among other things, the driver must drive against a red light and also on pavements.

Through testimony, the police can locate the car and driver. A boy under the age of 18 who is arrested on suspicion of: gross negligence in traffic, attempted aggravated assault, drunken driving, minor drug offence, illegal driving and possession of means of transportation. The suspect car is impounded.

Read more here.

Info on Traffic offenses offences

The number of reports of traffic offenses has decreased in Sweden by 8% between 2013-2021 *. Helsingborg ranks top 82 in Sweden this year in terms of traffic offences.

The city with the most traffic offenses so far this year is Stockholm, followed by Norrtälje and Södertälje. Brief facts about Helsingborg

Helsingborg is located in Skåne and has 113,828 inhabitants. Helsingborg is located at the narrowest part of the Öresund, where only 3,750 meters separate the city from Helsingör in Denmark.

* The statistics come from the Crime Prevention Council


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