The police hold a press conference on organized crime

On Wednesday afternoon, the police are holding a press conference regarding the recent events connected to organized crime and gang crime.
– We have made an extensive change in our working methods to combat and prevent reckless violence, which has meant that we arrest more people and do it faster. We have interrupted many planned or ongoing acts of violence recently, says national police chief Anders Thornberg during the press conference.

In the last week alone, four shootings have taken place in Uppsala, two of them fatal. In addition, two people have been killed in the Stockholm area this week.

– What has happened in recent days shows once again the importance of continuing to stay strong, of increasing our strength and of never giving up. Everyone, even others outside the police, must together take action and mobilize, says Thornberg, who emphasizes that he understands that Sweden’s residents wonder what is happening and whether the wave of violence will continue.

– We work in a coordinated manner. We work nationally, regionally, locally and internationally. Crime is international, several serious criminals run their business from abroad, and therefore we are also in that arena. The importance of cooperation between countries has increased.

Today 14:50

LIVE: The police on the spiral of violence in Uppsala

Noa: Worked with continued full force

Noa’s deputy head, Hampus Nygårds, who also participates during the press conference, says that Noa continues to work with full force together with the police regions in the operational work.

– This means that the entire Police Agency, together with other authorities, gathers strength where the problem is greatest. In this work and the problem, there must be no geographical or organizational boundaries, he says.

According to Hampus Nygårds, the “rapid changes in the problem picture” are both unpredictable and unpredictable. The criminal environments also change loyalties, approaches and goals.

– The most effective way to deal with this problem is for us to try different methods, learn from them and then adjust our way of working, he says.

Gathers power against those who order

– We are gathering forces to access the criminal actors who

The text is updated.
