The police hold a press conference after the wave of violence

Uppsala has been affected by several serious crimes recently and a special event has begun.
In the last week, police region Mitt has received reinforcements from the national side to be able to handle the increased workload.
– We have a serious situation in Uppsala and in the country. Therefore, we have intensified our work in the region by creating a special event, says Torbjörn Nilsson, head of the Uppsala police area.

Today 1:45 p.m

LIVE: Press meeting with the police in Uppsala about the gang shootings

In recent times, Uppsala has been shaken by several violent crimes. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, several of the crimes can be linked to the internal conflict that is ongoing within the criminal network Foxtrot. But according to the police, several conflicts in the region have escalated, a development that has been noted since midsummer and worsened during the autumn.

In total, the region has roughly 20 people deprived of their liberty who are linked to criminal networks.

– So far, we have roughly 20 people deprived of their liberty, 15 ongoing preliminary investigations that deal with murder and attempted murder. We have seized eleven firearms, a hand grenade and a pipe bomb, says Andreas Pallinder, head of the investigation section in Uppsala.

National reinforcement

The particular incident has meant a reinforcement from the national side which has enabled the offensive police work that is now underway in the region.

– We continue to conduct preliminary investigations aggressively and believe that there will be more detentions. We are resourced now with a lot of national resources that make this offensive work possible, he says.

Several acts of violence have reportedly been stopped in the past week, according to Jale Poljarevius, head of intelligence.

– The situation is still very serious, but we are extremely happy that we have not had any deaths or injured citizens recently, he says.

– It has been due to a lot of hard work from our police officers in the field who work hard to stop, control and profile new shooters and thus prevent new crimes from being committed.

The text is updated.
