The police dog Lundy sniffed out odd drug hiding places in Årby

Due to last year’s serious violent crime, the police in Eskilstuna have received reinforcements from other districts. There have been more police officers on the streets for a longer period and the results have also started to show in the statistics. During the first six months of the year, the police have made over 200 seizures of narcotics, and according to local police area chief Oscar Nissfolk, the total is many kilos of various substances. In addition to that, the police have also confiscated 19 weapons.

– Drugs are an important component in combating serious crime. It is often the root of evil, he says.

Findings can create unrest

The success of the police in the hunt for narcotics can shake up the criminal world and it is not uncommon for major crackdowns to be followed by threats or violence between groups.

– When we take drugs, there is always someone who loses with the risk of being owed large sums of money that must be collected, says Nissfolk.

Famous police dog helped

Among other things, the police have had the master tracker Lundy, a well-trained German shepherd, to help them. Last year, she was named police dog of the year after sniffing out a gun and thus contributing to the solution of an unsolved murder. Recently, she was on the move again and found two odd drug hiding places in Årby.

Hear police chief Oscar Nissfolk tell more about the drug caches that police dog Lundy found in Årby.
