The police believe gang violence will come to Gotland: “Only a matter of time”

– We think that it is only a matter of time when the first step is taken across this border. We have to prepare for the worst, says Emil Eisersjö, local police area manager on Gotland.

Drugs, fraud and extortion

According to the police, Gotland’s criminal gangs have close contacts with several of the mainland’s criminal networks and deal with the same things – drugs, fraud and extortion – which can cause gang conflicts to take hold on the island.

– We see more and more people with violent capital who are on Gotland.

Want to make them stop

Now the police focus on getting to the gang members and prosecuting them with all the tools they have to work with.

– But also to try to get them to stop, quite simply.

A dropout program on Gotland is on the wish list.

– Or rather, a “don’t jump on” programme, says Emil Eisersjö.

See and hear more in the video above.
