The police are unsure if it was an attack in Lund

The police are unsure if it was an attack in
full screen A heavy fire broke out in the train station building in Lund on Friday, August 4. Archive image. Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT

A fire broke out in a cafe at Lund’s central station early on Friday last week. The police initially described the incident as an arson attack, but now they are not so sure.

According to Joakim Nyberg, municipal police in Lund, there is still nothing to indicate that it is an attack.

– That’s right, but we can’t rule it out either. We are looking at it openly. It could be that the explosions that were heard caused the fire, but it could also be that the fire caused the explosions, he says and continues:

– The technical examination was carried out yesterday. We do not draw any conclusions until we have received an answer and continue with the collection work.

The police have previously also released information that one or more people were seen leaving the scene in connection with the incident.

– There is nothing that we can confirm from what we have received in the preliminary investigation so far. Whether there are witnesses who saw this or whether it is rumors is something we are looking into, says Joakim Nyberg.

TT: What made you initially describe the incident as an attack?

– I can not answer that. Assassination does not exist as a crime classification. We work according to the criminal classification of aggravated arson. How it then started is something that we are now investigating in peace and quiet.
