The police are reporting a traffic accident, Höör

The police are reporting a traffic accident, Höör The picture is a genre picture.

“Two passenger cars in a collision, E22.”, the police write on their website.

The police in Skåne report this:

A traffic accident occurs on the E22 where two passenger cars collide. According to initial information, the accident will affect traffic. Police are sent to the scene for control.

Read more here.

Info about Traffic accident crime

Höör is in the top 90 in Sweden this year in terms of traffic accidents.

The city with the most traffic accidents so far this year is Örebro, followed by Norrköping and Gothenburg. Brief facts about Höör

Höör has 12,976 inhabitants and is located in Skåne. Höör has been known for stone-cutting on a large scale ever since people began quarrying stone for Lund’s cathedral here at the end of the 11th century.


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