The police are looking for a friend of the king in a residence connected to the court

The police are looking for a friend of the king

Updated 18.37 | Published 18.31

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A man with close ties to the royal family has been charged with procuring sex after a “double swipe” at a massage parlor.

The police are looking for the man who must be served with suspicion before the statute of limitations expires next week, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

The man has been searched in his home, which is connected to the court.

During Friday, the police searched for the man who was accused of buying sex to inform him of suspicion of crime.

The case is statute-barred next week, but he has not been caught. Something that frustrates the police, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

– I have no comments, says the suspect’s lawyer Alparslan Tügel.

full screen The massage parlor was a disguised brothel. During the police’s three-month reconnaissance effort, over 2,500 suspected sex purchases took place. One of the suspects in the tangle is a man with connections to the royal family. Photo: The police

The police scouted a massage parlor in Östermalm for a long time before they struck.

During the search of the house, police tracking dogs found traces of sperm and the investigation shows that a number of men bought bought sex at the salon. A 65-year-old man has been convicted of aggravated pimping.

Now a man with close ties to the royal family has been charged on suspicion of buying sex at the same salon in November 2021. According to the police’s preliminary investigation, he first swished 250 kroner and 40 minutes later another 1,000 kroner. Something that indicates the purchase of sexual services, according to the prosecutor.

The explanation: may have bought pillow

The man denies the accusations in questioning and says that he was forced to visit the massage parlor because of his serious back problems. Something that is questioned by the interrogator when one of the questioned masseuses states that she cannot massage, but that it is a salon where men come to buy sex.

– He must be the exception in this case. XX finds it hard to believe that he is the only one in this case who only received a massage, says the lawyer during the interrogation.

When asked what he bought for the SEK 1,000 swish, the suspect says that he is not sure, but that it may have been extra time for an acupuncturist or Thai massage.

– Then it could have been an ergonomic pillow or massage oil from Thailand that is used in a boxing context that the person concerned thought that if you only have this oil, you will get well. I have also bought some dietary supplement based on a lot of herbs and ginseng, he says and continues:

– I can only assume that it applies to something like that. Some of those purchases. I understand that it looks bad but I only have my conscience to trust as well.

Aftonbladet has searched for the suspect who has not been found.

Aftonbladet seeks the court for a comment.

full screen Police. Archive image. Photo: TT
