the point on their projects concerning the health of the French people

the point on their projects concerning the health of the

As in 2017, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen find themselves face to face in the second round of the presidential election, scheduled for Sunday April 24. After two years of health crisis linked to Covid-19, the health projects of the two presidential finalists are being closely scrutinized by the French. What do the two candidates offer them in this regard?

Measures proposed by Emmanuel Macron

In his program, Emmanuel Macron offers a free health check to French people at different periods of their lives, namely at 25, 45 and 65 years old.

It also provides for the implementation of personalized support for the chronically ill. For example, for diabetics, regular monitoring of their blood sugar levels will be effective, thanks to the development of telemedicine.

The candidate of the La République en Marche movement also promises detection and prevention plans for mental health, infertility and sickle cell disease. This plan includes the early detection of disorders from childhood, such as disability, obesity, hyperactivity or dyslexia.

And faced with the lack of staff, repeatedly decried by health personnel, Emmanuel Macron intends to launch a plan to recruit nurses and nursing assistants, while giving more responsibilities to paramedical personnel such as pharmacists and nurses.

Measures proposed by Marine Le Pen

For her part, Marine Le Pen promises to open at least 10,000 additional places in institutes and training centers for nurses and caregivers, to fill vacant positions.

The candidate of the National Rally also intends to reduce medical deserts and limit long waits in emergencies by creating a separate sector for the care of the elderly.

Marine Le Pen also wants to raise the salaries of caregivers working in hospitals, and provides an envelope of two billion euros over five years for this measure.

Regarding caregivers, the RN candidate promises two weeks of rest per year, to help them breathe and also take care of themselves. During these two weeks, the dependent person can benefit from the presence of home help or be placed temporarily in a specialized institution.

Common measures

Some proposals are still shared by the two candidates.

Both want, among other things, to relocate the production of medicines to France, to fight against medical deserts by developing teleconsultation, or even to reduce the administrative burden of caregivers.

The two candidates also want to unclog the emergency room. For this, Emmanuel Macron proposes a better articulation between city medicine and the hospital. He also wants to facilitate mixed practice, which allows a general practitioner, for example, to provide consultations in a practice, while being an employee of the hospital.

Marine Le Pen, for her part, intends to increase the number of nursing homes, establishments where several health professionals are grouped together, to manage non-vital emergencies, a fracture or a minor burn for example. Always with a view to relieving emergencies, the RN candidate plans to create a specific sector for the elderly in order to limit the wait and at the same time improve the care of seniors.

For more details, the entire health project of the two presidential candidates is available on their campaign site.

” With you “ for Emmanuel Macron, “M France” for Marine Le Pen.
