The pleasure of reading at any age

The pleasure of reading at any age

They keep on reading, are always with a book in hand: for these people, reading is a real pleasure. For others, reading is more of a chore and brings back bad memories of school. However, many studies show it: reading has many benefits and it is possible to learn to love this activity.

Starting with finding the narrative genre that will capture our attention. Polar, science fiction, romance, poetry… There is something for all tastes and all ages. In the age of social networks and screens, how not to give up reading? How do you find time to read? Should we abandon a book that bores us?

With :

-Nicolas Garyco-founder and publishing director ofNewsliterary magazine distributed on the internet

-Pascal PerraultManaging Director of National Book Center (CNL)

– Laurie Pezeronfounder of Read! Afro’ authors’ book club

– Ghislain Kabuyaco-founder of the publishing house Mlimani (in the mountains, in Swahili) located in Goma and which offers reissues of books by Congolese and African authors

Musical programming:

Dance Monkey – Tones and I

Assanata – Alif Naaba
