With the announcement of the 1.1.1 patch, the developers of Diablo 4 received praise. Only on Reddit was complaining almost exclusively. A player was able to amuse the otherwise negative community with his contribution.
A gamer posted on Reddit on July 28, 2023 and managed to cheer the community. He tricked his wife into Diablo 4 and was able to lighten the mood on the otherwise negative subreddit.
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“I said she had to get in line. And she did it.”
Here’s how the player amused the Reddit community: In his post, user 87CoCo writes that he told his wife to stand in line if she wanted to talk to the blacksmith in Diablo 4.
“I told my wife who is new to gaming that she has to stand in line to use the blacksmith. And she did it,” 87CoCo wrote in the caption of the post. “She stood there for a good 30 seconds before I started laughing,” he adds in the accompanying caption.
His wife is new to gaming. Although she had spoken to the blacksmith before, it didn’t work this time, which was apparently due to a stupid coincidence (via Reddit). The post in the subreddit currently has 3,200 upvotes, over 430 comments and several awards.
Here you can see how your character stands next to other players at the blacksmith:
“Tell her she’s adorable”
How is the community reacting? 87CoCo receives numerous comments on this. Some users report their own situations in which they have trolled their partners and friends. Others jokingly ask if the wife is still single and if a gaming wife also has RGB lighting.
A comment with over 400 upvotes comes from Hamilton-Beckett:
That reminds me of being one of my friends […] started Diablo 4 after me. […] I came riding the horse and said, “Get on, go faster!” He said, “Cool!” and came closer. Stood there for a while, walked around the horse a few times and said, “What am I supposed to do here, it’s not working, damn BLIZZARD?!” Then I had to laugh. He said, “I can’t even ride a horse, can I?”
via Reddit
Pixelhouse18 has a similar story up its sleeve. His friends joined his WoW game and asked if they could ride the horses. He replied, “Get behind the horse and press Alt+F4 to mount.” When the game closed, they burst out laughing.
Brolex-7 comments on the post with “Sag [deiner Frau], she’s adorable.” Rivallss writes, “You are the true evil of Diablo. Lilith compares well to you.”
87CoCo comments on his post in the evening: “Hey guys. […] I’m thrilled that it made you laugh. My wife took it with humor! Thanks for the awards. I’ve never received anything like this. How can I cash them in now and get rich?”
Akmeister praises 87CoCo for its post: “This is the best post this subreddit has ever seen.”
At least the post was able to lighten the mood. If you scroll through the Diablo 4 subreddit, you will come across a lot of negative posts. The developers presented the new patch at the Campfire Chat and received a lot of praise. Only on Reddit was there mostly complaining:
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