The PIMBY Award promotes Italian excellence in sustainability

Biodiversity credits a growing market from Australia to the United

(Telestock) – The NIMBY EffectEnglish acronym which stands for “Not In My Back Yard” (literally “not in my backyard”), represents opposition by a local community to the installation or construction of useful works or infrastructures to the community, but considered undesirable or harmful for its own territory.

On the contrary, the PIMBY award, please in my backyardborn by the will of Assoambiente with the patronage of theANCIis an initiative that contributes to promote a more sustainable Italy and inclusiverewarding those virtuous initiatives capable of generating value and employment in communities and at the same time contributing to creating a more sustainable society.

“The prize PIMBY GREEN recognizes and enhances the opportunities offered by the construction of public works in contrast with the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome, challenging the often prejudicial beliefs that slow down or hinder the culture of “doing” in our country: a culture that highlights Italian ingenuity and creativity, capable of generating value and employment in the communities in which it is established”, commented the President of Assoambiente Chicco Head at the end of the delivery ceremony.

THE awards they range within three categories linked to strategic infrastructures and industrial plants that contribute to the ecological transition, but also to dialogue with citizens and scientific dissemination. Among the most important winners of this Edition are:

  • the General Manager of ITALIAN POST Joseph Lasco for the “Polis Project”which promotes economic, social and territorial cohesion in small urban centres;
  • the CEO of Italgas Paul Gallo for the “Green Shipyards Project” which define a circular approach to the use of materials rather than consuming new resources;
  • the President of A2A Environment Fulvio Roncari for the innovative plant of Treatment of the fumes of the Brescia waste-to-energy plant;
  • Luca From The BlacksmithPresident of IREN SpA for the “The Heat Garden Project”a new heat storage system serving the metropolitan district heating network whose plant in the San Salvario district of Turin hosts terraces and hanging gardens and almost 11 thousand plants and trees.
