The phone of the Lions’ surprise selection is flooded with slurs every day – Nikolas Matinpalo sends back warm greetings

The phone of the Lions surprise selection is flooded with

Nikolas Matipaloif someone had told you in September of last year that you would end this hockey season with the same team Mikko Rantanen with, so what would you have answered?

– I would have laughed! I wouldn’t have believed it.

Now your season ends together with superstar Rantanen and the Lions. How does it feel?

– Really good. Feeling excited.

It was quite a surprise for many – certainly including you – that you were selected for the World Cup team.

– Yes. When the Czech EHT tournament ended, I was excited to join Mahdunko. I’m wondering if I’m even in a spare seat somewhere, or if I’m going straight home.

You didn’t go home, you are now here in Tampere.

– Yes. It’s felt great. Everything is new. A bit like a kid in a candy store.

The first match of the tournament must have been exciting?

– I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited. It was definitely visible in the shots as well.

Who do you hang out with at the Games outside of the games?

– We have an Espoo connection. (Antti) Finnish and (Water god) Oksanen. Well, Oksanen is from Kirkkonummi, but we have spent quite a lot of time with them.

Tampere is a familiar place to you. You played here in Ilves for two and a half seasons, in 2018-2021. Do you work as a guide for the people of Espoo?

– Yes, although the city has changed over the past couple of years. But let’s try.

What are you going to present to Espoo-connection?

– You have to at least experience the Kaupinoja sauna. It’s been missed. During those years in Tampere, we spent a lot of time there.

You are a first-timer at the World Championships. What kind of advice have you received from the players who are already strong in the tournament?

– Everyone has said that just be yourself. There is no need to present anything or be afraid of anything.

how about From Jukka Jalose? What instructions has the Lion King given?

– Play as you have played before. No need to pull any tricks. With your own strengths. There has been positive feedback. And tips on how to improve.

Did you get any tips from your home club Ässie?

– It came even before the start of the Games. Such silly humor. Not necessarily any tips.

What kind of silly humor?

– Well, the kind where you open your head. In good spirit.

That is, at an angle? Tell more specifically.

– The phone sings every day. Especially from our captain there is quite a lot of rap sometimes.

Related to what?

– To the fact that I’m here. Yesterday I got a message from there again.

What was wrong with that?

– There was acknowledgment of the things that have been done about me in the media.

So you should be better in interviews?

– Yeah, apparently.

That captain of the Aces is pretty cool.

– Is.

What kind of greetings do you want to send back captain Jesse Joensuu?

– Cheers to the bike test and the three-ton running test! They’re about to start. I hope the leg moves.

How much does Joensuu pedal in the bike test?

– At least 28 minutes.

How about a three-ton run?

– However, Jesse is such a big man, so the leg can get a bit sore… but I would say that it will take less than 11 minutes.

Joensuu is world champion since 2011. If you and the Lions win gold in these games, what kind of message will you send to Joensuu?

– I bet Jesse would have time to message me first in that case.

And that message would include…

– Yes. Slanting.
