The Philharmonie de Paris samples the history of hip-hop

The Philharmonie de Paris samples the history of hip hop

The Philharmonie de Paris presents until July 24, 2022, “Hip Hop 360, Glory to street art”, an immersive exhibition in the universe and history of Hip Hop. A dive into this art born in the streets and neighborhoods of the Bronx in the early 70s. One of the greatest musical revolutions of the 20th century.

It is an exhibition that you visit with your eyes, ears and feet. His eyes, to look at the photos, record covers, works of street art and fashion items that line the route.

The ears to discover or rediscover – thanks to the headphones provided at the entrance – the great hits that mark the entire history of hip-hop culture, from its beginnings, almost 50 years ago, to the present day. And the feet to move from one screen to another, and above all to mark the beat and keep time.

Dive with us today into one of the greatest musical revolutions of the 20th century: that of hip hop. Not only musical, moreover, because this long despised genre has now completely spread well beyond the cultural space, into the depths of society.

“Hip Hop 360, Glory to Street Art” is an exhibition to visit until July 24, 2022 at the Philharmonie de Paris.

Francois Gautret, great specialist in urban cultures, and curator of the exhibition as well as Patrick Duteil, alias sydney, host of the cult show HIPHOP broadcast on TF1 in 1984, which was the first show devoted entirely to hip-hop.
