The perfect gesture to properly caress your cat, according to science

The perfect gesture to properly caress your cat according to

Certain areas are particularly popular with cats, others less so, such as the stomach. But a particular gesture would make caresses even more pleasant for these endearing companions.

Cats are fond of caresses, but they must be done well, in a moment of calm, to promote calming. Certain areas are particularly appreciated such as the head and cheeks, which are more sensitive to touch, because they are areas rich in scent glands. Conversely, cat owners know that the stomach is an area to avoid. Cats just don’t like it! In general, it is advisable to observe the animal’s reactions in order to recognize the type of caresses it prefers. But according to science, there is a perfect technique for properly petting your cat: the “smoosh”.

This gesture consists of exerting light pressure with your hand on the animal’s body and mainly on the areas it likes. According to scientists, this tip helps release endorphin and oxytocin (the feel-good hormone), and thus stimulate relaxation. But according to Kristyn Vitale, professor of animal health and behavior at Unity Environmental University in Maine, gently pressing with your hand while petting your cat would also create a feeling of security and privacy. A bit like when we hug someone or a baby is swaddled. This technique, also called “smoosh”, would therefore be similar to the cuddles we know, and would reduce anxiety and stress in the animal, while balancing the nervous system.

Some felines are more affectionate than others, but almost all appreciate petting. And it’s not very difficult to recognize his desires and the signs: he rubs his head against your hand? This is the right time to test the smoosh with your cat by stroking it with a little pressure on the head and cheeks… And observe its behavior.
