the pension reform will not be postponed, assures the Elysée

the pension reform will not be postponed assures the Elysee

Will the government reform pensions? During an informal meeting with the press on Monday September 12, Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed the need to carry it out. Pension reform is therefore still on the executive’s agenda.

Can the pension reform be further postponed? The answer is no, report Valerie Gas, from the political service of RFI. And according to the entourage of the President of the Republic, it should come into force in the summer of 2023.

Will it go through the postponement of the legal age as Emmanuel Macron had mentioned during the presidential campaign, through an extension of the contribution period, through a discount system? The choice of technique and path is up to the government, which has already started working with the social partners, insists the Elysée.

► To read also: Pension reform, a thorny issue for the government of Elisabeth Borne

Avoid the showdown

In the executive, we are aware that there will never be ” unanimity on this reform, but we hope to find at least one consensus by advancing an argument presented as a club. To finance investments in health, school, ecological transition, the problem of pensions must be solved…

Faced with the opposition of the unions, even of the CFDT, the entourage of the Head of State believes that it is possible to find a way, we must sit around the table and see how we use the money intelligently that emerges from the pension reform. Objective: avoid the showdown.

► Also to listen: What reform for pensions?
