The pension authority receives sharp criticism for its lack of service: “Worrying”

The pension authority is once again seriously criticized by the Ombudsman for Justice (JO) for shortcomings in accessibility and service, this time against the background of a report from a man in Vellinge, which Siren also reported on.

It took almost a year before a complaint was followed up

In one case, it took almost a year before the authority followed up on a complaint from the man. It took seven months before a later appeal was forwarded to the court, something which the JO considers to be “worrying” from the individual’s legal security perspective.

According to JO, the Pensions Agency must not have fulfilled its service obligation and have delayed submitting an appeal to court.

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The Pensions Authority promises improvement measures

In JO’s assessment it is stated that “An authority must ensure that contacts with individuals are smooth and simple and without unnecessary delay provide the individual with such assistance that he or she can pursue his or her interests.”.

In a statement in the case to the Ombudsman, the Pensions Authority has regretted the shortcomings and promised new handling and improvement measures.

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