The party leader of the Social Democrats gives a Christmas speech – Sweden news

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The chair of the Social Democrats Magdalena Andersson and the party’s economic policy spokesperson Mikael Damberg hold a press conference with proposals on how the sharply increasing energy costs should be handled to help households and businesses through the winter.

– We will present a committee initiative in the Riksdag’s finance committee to introduce an electricity and gas price emergency, says Magdalena Andersson at the press conference.

S also wants to introduce measures to alleviate the effects of the high prices by introducing a profit ceiling for the electricity companies.

Mikael Damberg is critical of the fact that the government does not already during the winter introduce measures to return excess profits from the energy companies to consumers.

– There is an EU regulation in place to deal with the situation, where you can limit excess profits by taking a tax on the excess profits and returning them to consumers, says Damberg.

– Many are worried about not being able to pay their entire electricity bill this winter, says Damberg.
