the participants scrutinize the pleadings

the participants scrutinize the pleadings

At the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015, the second day for the pleadings of the civil parties, this Tuesday, May 24. The day was devoted to the sites of the attacks – the Stade de France, the Bataclan concert hall and the terraces of Paris. Pleadings in large coordinated parts. An exercise rather appreciated by the direct and indirect victims that they represent.

With our envoy to the Paris courthouse, Nathanael Vittrant

Bilal Mokono was injured at the Stade de France, the first of the places affected by the attacks. He attends the hearings almost every day and he was waiting for this moment.

I hope that our civil party lawyers, the fact of working in a group like that, they put more power, more severity. I am waiting for this match between our lawyers and the defense lawyers. I came to see how our lawyers are defending our interests and defending the fact that this democracy has been affected, and how the defense lawyers are trying to get out of it, and how they are getting away with it. I want to live it.

Jean-Luc Wertenschlag is a neighbor of La Belle Équipe, one of the restaurants affected. From his window, he saw everything. He then went down, with his first aid kit, to help the victims.

He is very moved.

I had a lot of tears, because the stories that were told brought those moments back to life.

You left even before the end of the pleadings.

Yes, yes… The last two pleadings really touched me. In fact, I relived the events, but with another point of view. And it’s very strong, it’s very emotional.

There was also of course the question of the Bataclan. “ This place of celebration plunged into horror where so many victims are still stuck, entangled », will say a lawyer before addressing the Court. ” The decision you render will also aim to extract them. »

►Read again : Trial of November 13 : the civil parties begin their collective pleading
