The painful, terrible truth! Fatal mistake before closing the zipper

The painful terrible truth Fatal mistake before closing the zipper

According to a recent study, most men do not wash their hands after using the toilet! According to the data, this rate is around 69 percent. According to the results of this research; only 31 percent of men walk around with clean hands after getting out of the bathroom! Many men may be walking away from the urinal quickly after they have urinated. This invites many diseases and risks. Because, if you do not wait until the last drop after urinating, the urine remaining at the tip of the penis will continue to flow.


Experts recommend that men wait a while after urinating and make sure that all the urine comes out of their penis. And, of course, to wash their hands after they’re done. Many men experience the problem of dripping after urination. This causes many diseases. It turned out that 17 percent of men live with the problem of constant dripping. Experts underline that men should not come out immediately after urinating, at least until they are sure that their penis is completely empty.


Purifying the penis not only helps keep clothes clean, but also helps prevent genital irritation.


Most of the time, dead skin cells, oil, sexual intercourse fluids and other fluids accumulate at the ends of the male genitals, and this is completely natural. The important point here is to prevent harmful bacteria from getting out of control and accumulating on and around the penis. These bacteria can cause itching, pain, and foul-smelling discharge. Worse still, it can lead to a painful urinary tract infection. Therefore, you should make sure that both your genitals and hands are clean.
