The page of the Association of Finnish Ukrainians is now blocked in Russia – association director: Usual practice | Foreign countries

The page of the Association of Finnish Ukrainians is now

After the start of the war, the Russian authorities have restricted access to several Finnish websites.

Yevgeny Bogdanov,

Galyna Sergeyeva

Access to the Association of Ukrainians in Finland to the website is blocked in Russia.

The association’s page appeared in the register of prohibited sites of Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal communications surveillance service, on February 10. The reason for the blocking has not been given.

Chairman of the association Vassili Goutsoul guessed was the reason for the blocking by Voislav Torden case.

– Probably due to the publicity surrounding Jan Petrovski (Voislav Tordenia), the association of Ukrainians in Finland ended [asianomaisen] into the spotlight of lawyers and the Russian embassy, ​​says Goutsoul.

In December, the Ministry of Justice has decided that Voislav Torden will not be extradited to Ukraine, where he is accused of atrocities. The Supreme Court released the Russian, so the Ukrainians organized a demonstration against Torden’s release. The Border Guard applied for the man’s custody.

According to Goutsoul, blocking Ukrainian websites is a common practice in Russia.

– Many Ukrainian websites have been blocked in Russia since 2014, reminds the president of the association.

Since the start of the war, the Russian authorities have restricted access to several Finnish websites, including the websites of , Ilta-Sanom and Helsingin Sanomat.
