The På spåret star is divorcing – after barely two years: “We wish to…”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

On Friday evening, SVT offered another exciting episode of the hit program På spåret.

There was a semi-final there Cecilia Duringer and Jonathan Unge met Niklas Källner and Lena Nordlund.

But during Friday there was also another message regarding a well-known På spåret profile.

Divorced after 2 years

On Friday afternoon could The Express report that the First Aid Kit artist Clara Söderberg differ.

The 30-year-old artist married Michael Norberg Tot34, in October 2021, but has now filed for divorce.

“We want the district court to decide on divorce. We don’t want a period of reflection before the divorce,” it says in the joint application that Expressen has seen.

Klara Söderberg is part of the duo First Aid Kit together with her sister Johanna Söderberg. The duo was in På spårets husband in the 2020-2021 season.

First Aid Kit at Way Out West 2022. Klara on the left and Johanna on the right. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall / TT
