The PA rediscovers its “appeal”: between novelties and the PNRR challenge

The PA rediscovers its appeal between novelties and the PNRR

(Finance) – New crucial role in the implementation of the PNRR, signing of the employment contract for public employees, release and new rules for competitions, progress on all digital platforms: 2022 year of big projects and important news for the Public
Administration, even if it is still early to see the concrete results of these initiatives. But one is already evident: the innovation interventions driven by the PNRR have made the public sector more attractive athe eyes of the Italians, as emerges from a public opinion research carried out in January by FPA on a sample of over 500 citizens representative of the Italian population and presented today at the launch of the eighth edition of the FPA Annual Reportthe publication that outlines the 2022 budget and the perspective of the new year for the Italian PA.

As many as 64% of those interviewed today believe that the PA is a attractive “employer”: 22% because they think that in the current context
the PA can offer important professional experience and 44% for employment stability. Only 17% of the interviewees do not consider it entirely attractive. And it is the youngest in particular who wish to enter the public administration to achieve valid work experience (29% of those aged 18-34, against 17% of those over 54), rather than to seek the classic “fixed place”.

Furthermore, the Italians recognize the progress made in the innovation of the PA. 67% see real benefits from digitization for citizens and businesses. And considering the areas of intervention of the Pnrr, the main improvements are highlighted precisely in the availability of online services (which according to 41% of respondents has improved in the last year), and in their ease of use (improved according to 35% of the sample ). Fewer are those who see a greater simplification of procedures (26%) and a greater contribution to energy saving (21%). Lastly, only one Italian out of 8 recognizes progress in the skills of public personnel and (same share) in the procedures of public tenders.

The changes that have affected civil servants in recent months are important. The approval of the new public employment contracts followed, the unblocking and digitization of the competitions, the issuing of the Guidelines for the new professional needs, the creation of the InPA portal for access to all the competitions, the portal and the guide to compiling the PIAO, the Capacity Italy program for entities implementing the PNRR. The rules reforming the liability of managers and directors have been changed
civil servants, protecting the discretion of those who make decisions; the ambitious training program was built
“Re-forming the PA”.

“In 2023, in a condition of great uncertainty, the role of the public administration which faces important challenges becomes increasingly important – he says Carlo Mochi Sismondi, President of Fpa –. First of all, there are the commitments of the Pnrr, much more stringent and complex than last year, then the implementation of the reforms launched, the strengthening of public employment and the review of spending, identifying the real waste and avoiding linear cuts. The Italian PA does not arrive unprepared for this appointment, but must overcome some structural weaknesses that require new skills and motivations, with professional profiles suited to current needs”
