the outstretched hand of Elisabeth Borne does not convince the opposition

the outstretched hand of Elisabeth Borne does not convince the

In an electric atmosphere, Elisabeth Borne delivered her general policy statement to the Assembly this Wednesday afternoon. Important moment when the government no longer has an absolute majority and needs the voices of the opposition to have its texts adopted. The Prime Minister therefore reached out to the right and to the left… But the RN and the Nupes did not make it easy for her.

With Julien Chavanne from the political service of RFI,

Imperturbable, Elisabeth Borne did not blink under the boos coming from the left of the hemicycle. For nearly an hour and a half, the Prime Minister repeated her call for compromise. ” For too long, our political life has only been made up of clashing blocs… It’s time to enter the era of forces that build together. »

But without finding an echo with Mathilde Panot, for the union of the left of Nupes. ” A vote of confidence was needed. But you chose to flee. »

No more support for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally. ” It is no insult to you, Mrs Borne, to say that, given the electoral circumstances, your appointment is not the result of a major political decision, but of a scenario that has become obsolete.. »

Elisabeth Borne is cashing in, she knew very well that the right and left groups would not let anything go today. The main thing for her was to stage his outstretched hand.

The Prime Minister also took the opportunity to respond to criticism from her camp, where some consider her too unobtrusive. ” I may not correspond to the composite portrait that some were expecting. This is good, the situation is unprecedented. »

Resilient in the face of attacks, Elisabeth Borne overcame her first political test. She must now get results: the text on purchasing power will be the crash test of her new method.
