the order of lawyers denounces the “forced disappearance” of journalist Aliou Touré

the order of lawyers denounces the forced disappearance of journalist

The editor of the newspaper The Democrat has not given any sign of life since last Thursday, April 6. Many sources fear his kidnapping by the Malian intelligence services.

For the Mali Bar Association, the case ofAliou Toureenters into the legal qualification of “person in a situation of enforced disappearance” », contrary to the Malian Constitution, the Declaration of Human Rights or the African Charter of Human Rights. The Bar of Mali therefore urges the State to comply with its commitments » and recalls that « any person deprived of liberty ” can not be ” kept only in officially recognized places of detention and must be presented to a competent magistrate within a time limit provided for by the Constitution of Mali “.

Terms meticulously weighed since they only remind the transitional authorities of the basic principles of Malian law. And this while many fear – or think they know – that the editor of the newspaper The Democrat may be detained by the Malian State Security services.

Aliou Touré is both a journalist and administrative secretary of the Collective for the Defense of the Republic of Ras Bath, a radio columnist currently imprisoned and charged in particular with “attacking the credit of the State” (after declaring that Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga had been ” murdered without specifying by whom). The former prime minister died in custody a year ago. The last time Aliou Touré appeared publicly, he was just taking part in a press conference for the release of Ras Bath.

The media crisis unit created after the disappearance of Aliou Touré said in a statement on Monday that it had decided to ” take action ” for his “ safe return “, and of ” guarantee respect for the freedom of expression of the media and the protection of journalists “.
