The opposition’s El Prisilska – accuses the government of betrayal

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The electricity price support was partly in the center during Agenda’s party leader debate. The opposition attacked the government for what they believe are broken election promises. S leader Magdalena Andersson called for more answers from Ulf Kristersson (M), Johan Pehrson (L) and Ebba Busch (KD). She said she is tired of Kristersson’s new government blaming many challenges on the previous government.

– Denunciation after denunciation. There is not one of your failures that you do not blame on the former government. Ebba Busch, when you waved the falu sausage. People didn’t think then that your policy would mean that you would get a tax cut of 250 falukorvs. You will be full, Ebba, Andersson said in the debate.

Ebba Busch retorted:

– If you look at our budget. So those with the lowest income get twelve times greater priority than those with the highest, she said and continued:

– I understand that there is a great commitment to our election promises and the politics that you were against. Now you are upset because it is not being implemented quickly enough.

The government has presented an electricity price subsidy for electricity areas 3 and 4 in southern Sweden that is based on last year’s electricity consumption. The goal is for the money to be paid out in February. Before the election, the Moderates, Christian Democrats and Liberals promised a high-cost protection that would come into force on November 1, and Ebba Busch (KD) has previously admitted that the government did not keep that promise.

“Not based on where in the country you live”

The electricity subsidy has received harsh criticism for only targeting residents in southern Sweden. Ebba Busch (KD) said during the debate that she wants to clarify some things.

– This is not set based on where in the country you live, but how hard you have been hit so far. It is not about favoritism of country end. But if you’ve been hit very hard, it’s no wonder that you get an electrical support that aims to get you through this tough time.

Per Bolund (MP) highlighted that he is not satisfied that the electricity subsidy is based on electricity consumption.

– The millionaires and billionaires who get a lot of money from the government have big houses with high electricity costs and electrically heated swimming pools. They get a lot of money, while poor pensioners in Norrland and Sweden don’t get a single kroner, he says.
